Legal Terms

The Golf Green Company is a company with registered address at The Cedars, Stepaside, DUBLIN 18, IRELAND.  Tax ID number IE 7763346H, registered in the Dublin Trade Register in volume: page:1 section: 



The Golf Green Company hereby informs you that access and use of its webpage and all the subdomains and directories included thereon (hereinafter referred to as a whole as “the Portal”), as well as the services and products that may be acquired on it, are bound by the terms and conditions set out herein, notwithstanding the fact that access to some of the said products and services may require the acceptance of additional General Terms and Conditions. As a result, if you do not agree to the terms and conditions set out in herein, we kindly ask you to refrain from using the Portal, since any use you make of it or of any of the services included thereon would entail acceptance of the legal terms and conditions set out herein. The Portal aims to promote the activities carried out and the services provided by The Golf Green Company, and, unless stated otherwise, the information it contains is simply promotional or, if applicable, merely an invitation to sign up, and in no case constitutes a binding offer. All the activities and services featured on the Portal are marketed or provided by The Golf Green Company, in accordance with current legislation in force.

The Golf Green Company, reserves the right to make changes to the Portal without giving any prior warning in order to update, correct, alter, add or remove contents on the Portal or its design. The contents on the Portal are regularly updated. Given that the information is not updated immediately, we recommend you always check to ensure the information on the Portal is correct and up to date. Given that the terms and conditions herein may change, we recommend you check them whenever you visit the Portal or request a new service. Moreover, this Legal Notice shall not prejudice any other General Terms and Conditions governing access to specific services on the Portal.


The Portal shall include whatever advertising by The Golf Green Company, or third-party advertisers that the Company deems may be of interest to users. The Company’s Privacy Policy, notwithstanding, The Golf Green Company hereby undertakes not to pass on any information to advertisers, with the exception of statistical data on the use of the Portal, which shall be used to improve the service and offer products in keeping with users’ expectations.


On behalf of the company, we treat the information you provide us for advertising purposes related to our products and services by any means (post, email or telephone) and invite you to events organized by the company. The data provided will be kept as long as you do not request the termination of the activity. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. You have the right to obtain confirmation on whether at The Golf Green Company. is having your personal data, so you have the right to access to them, rectify the inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.


Users agree to use the services on the Portal in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein; users’ use of the said services shall entail acceptance of the said terms and conditions. Any users who make improper use of the image, good name or reputation of The Golf Green Company, as well as anyone who makes illegal or fraudulent use of the designs, logos or contents on the Portal, shall be held liable for their actions to The Golf Green Company.

Use of contents: The Golf Green Company, makes all the contents on the Portal available in good faith and shall take the necessary steps to ensure the said contents are always current and up to date; however, The Golf Green Company, shall not be in any way liable if users use or access the Portal in any way that falls outside the purpose for which it was created or be liable for any consequences that may arise should users follow the opinions, recommendations or surveys that may be accessed through the Portal, for which users shall be ultimately liable. Furthermore, IThe Golf Green Company, shall not check any contents that it has not created itself or that it has commissioned from third parties and shall therefore not be in any way liable for any damage that may be caused by any third-party contents.


Both the design of the Portal and its source codes, as well as its logos, brands and other distinctive signs that appear thereon, belong to The Golf Green Company, or other partners and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. The use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is strictly prohibited without express written authorisation from The Golf Green Company. The contents on the Portal are also protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of The Golf Green Company, or third parties. The use of contents created by The Golf Green Company., or by any of the organisations in its Group shall only be allowed within the framework of a relationship governed by an agreement with the Company or the said organisations. The Golf Green Company, hereby states its respect for third parties’ intellectual and industrial property rights; if you believe that this website might any way infringe on your rights, we kindly ask you to contact The Golf Green Company, at the following email address:


Should any questions or differences of opinion arise concerning the interpretation of the terms and conditions hereof, or regarding any other issue related to the products or services on the Portal, Spanish legislation shall prevail, notwithstanding the fact that user protection regulations may entail the application of different legislation. Should any controversy or conflict arise as a result of the use of the Portal or the use or acquisition of the services offered thereon, The Golf Green Company., and the user hereby expressly renounce their own jurisdiction or any other that may legally correspond to them and agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction and authority of Spanish law and shall be resolved through the arbitration of one or more arbitrators, within the framework of the Madrid Arbitration Court in conformity with its Regulations and Statutes, governing the administration and conduct of the arbitration and the nomination of the arbitrator or the arbitration tribunal.

Protection of dates of personal character

In accordance with 119/1 REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation),The Golf Green Company informs you that the data provided by you will be treated with security measures in accordance with current regulations that are required, being part of an automated file, legally registered in the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. These data will be used for management purposes. To exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, you can contact the controller responsible in THE CEDARS, STEPASIDE, DUBLIN 18, IRELAND address, or by e-mail to: